Thursday 17 November 2005

#23 Local

Hello, me again.

What with all these poems, books and plays to get through, it's a wonder the universities don't set aside a week so that we can get it all done without having to worry about lectures or seminars. They could call it - oh, I don't know - Reading Week, perhaps?

OK, I'm just bitter that I had to stay here and do some work while seemingly every one of my mates from back home (and some from here) swanned off home last week. Rather than being able to treat it as a half-term holiday, I had to slave away over an essay and attend a lecture - both, handily, in the middle of the week. Bah. But, if I'm allowed to live my life through other people - and give me one good reason why I shouldn't - I didn't have too bad a time of it!

I got to speak to loads of people at the weekend. Elyse (in Cambridge) doesn't get a reading week anyway, but looking at what she got up to she had a pretty cool weekend! A formal dinner and a student theatre production on Friday; punting down the Cam and watching a film on Saturday... the closest we have to that in Sheffield is taking the tram on a rainy day! I also got to hear about some of the strange Cambridge customs: walking on the grass lawns of some colleges can lead to you being expelled!! And that's not even when they're grazing cattle on them... (don't ask!)

Plus I got to speak to Adèle, who was visiting Cambridge after going to a wedding the day before, but only for a quick "hello, how are you?". Croasdell's been back to Dartford; I hear that Garner has been home (travelling from Scotland, that's quite a trek!); Mandeep's been a-visiting Read and Shiret!! in Canterbury... Still, there's not long now until we can all meet up down The Tollgate again for over-priced watered-down beer...

Finally, in local news: I must now have the look of a Sheffield resident, because today I was asked for directions for the third time since getting here! Everyone seems to want to know where the hospital is, too. Maybe I look like a doctor...

Quote of the week:
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing.
If you can fake that, you've got it made.