Thursday 2 March 2006

#38 Captain's log

Sunday, 26th day of February
Woken at around an hour before high noon by a shout from some of the cabin boys. It seems that stove that warms the shower water has broken. Luckily, as a result of attending the Leadmill tavern on Saturday eve to watch the Delays band, 'twasn't I who had the displeasure of being showered with water as cold as Arctic ice. It being the Sabbath day, work to repair the stove will have to wait until the morn of the 27th...
Delays good... 'Valentine' absolutely fantastic, as was 'Long Time Coming', although their improvisation skills need improving after a near-death in the front row. Yarr, that be a slight exaggeration...

High noon, 27th

We continue to lie stranded among the Seven Hills of "Sheffield". We be surrounded on all sides by water, and tempests continue to rain down: these Seven Hills risk becoming the Seven Seas. Alas, there still be none for us to clean the latrines with. Plans for us to raid another block for us to use their bath chambers are formulated.
The Afternoon, same day
As a result of our invasion, a new rivalry has opened between the fleets of H and G... there be some murmurings from some of the cabin boys that their showers be better than ours, but they be no match for the fact that we don't need to jump ship to get to them...

Nothing to report until late evening, when a message is passed around that the water will be returned by the first of the third month. Some fear for flooding when the water returns, but none are realised.
Some of the shipmates fry some 'pancakes', but our galley's stove is broken and there is no water to clean the pans with afterwards... poor sub-standard offering from the main kitchens fails to satisfy. We sail to the South Seas in the evening, where flagons of ale are sold for a single gold coin.

The Month of March
Hot water returns, although some scurvy dogs have laced it with "The Chlorine". None of the crew are advised to drink the stuff. By evening, all is restored back to normal (although we do now have access to the E, F and G blocks).

Head for the Leadmill tavern again, evening, after watching battle between English and Uruguayan fleets. Captain Beckham's fleet victorious, with Joe Cole putting in a first rate performance. Also noted ship for carrying hideous freak from a town called Macclesfield: "the boy who survived the stretching rack"... some say he was 12, others 21.

OK, Enough of the crap Pirate clichés now.

The Apprentice was watched again... it's fantastic viewing, with the frankly loopy Jo proving hugely entertaining and 'Invicta' proving increasingly frustrating. It's only week 2, but I'm hooked already.

Also... Voted in the Union Elections - it's Results Night Live in Bar One tonight; I've (sort of) converted another to Firefox this week; Started planning what to do next Tuesday... when the university goes on strike, of course!!

Found written on desks this week:
Q: Are thunderbolts and lightning very, very frightening?
A: Galileo!

Life is wonderful and meaningless
(the answer to life, the universe and everything)

Even Buckingham Palace eats Corned Beef
