Thursday 16 March 2006

#40 Effort

I really don't know what it is about this week, but everyone seems to be getting lazier. There is an increasing reluctance to go to any lectures, do the reading for a seminar, or even get up in the morning. I can only assume this latter issue is down to the miserable weather outside: for some reason, the sound of rain slapping my window doesn't make me want to jump up and seize the day...

Obviously, I have been doing some work. I had an assessment in for Tuesday for English: it looks increasingly likely that over the Summer I will not be reading a single book for pleasure, simply because I've got fed up of them. Usually I don't mind picking things apart and finding fault, but when I can't spot a single use of modern English within a whole chapter, I start to get slightly despondent.

Facebook losers of the week:
Phil Taylor - I know he's a legend, but still...
Scott Standing - I'll admit that before I saw his picture, I wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a room with only one person in it. Even if that person was wearing a badge saying "I am Scott Standing". And there was a big arrow pointing at him saying "Scott Standing". And his Mum and Dad standing outside saying "That's our son, Scott Standing, that is". I think I've made my point.

While on Facebook: If you've signed up, please join our new group: do a search for Bernard's Watch: The College Years and you'll find it. Safe in the knowledge that Bernard is too anti-social to ever join Facebook, it's a fantastic in-joke. It's even funnier than the IB, therefore I BS group, which makes me smile because it proves I was right all along.

A victim of its own success this week must be the BBC Two website, which was so clearly overloaded that I haven't been able to catch up with The Apprentice this week. Bah! Luckily, I've been listening to some classic Alan Partridge shows on the Radio Player instead. I'm also relieved that I can still get XFM London on my digital radio... there was a real danger they'd replace it with the new XFM Manchester station, and that would have driven me round the bend.

My contribution to the Philosophy lecture this week:
"Not Bracket P Arrow Bracket Q Versus R Bracket Bracket"

Next week, I have a 72-hour essay to do... this means it gets set on Monday morning and is in for Thursday morning. Although slightly panicked at first, I soon recognised that I usually leave all my essays to the last 72 hours anyway, so there's not much of a problem.

Finally, after months of building tension, the great Pool Rules Debate finally erupted this week. Issues under contention were: the number of shots allowed on the black, only being allowed to strike the cueball forwards after being replaced on the table, and the definition of a "free ball".

After consulting the internet, it turns out none of us was completely right or wrong, so the creation of the new Sheffield University Pool Rules has taken place. "Peace In Our Time".