Friday 19 August 2005

#10 Results

A-level results day was yesterday. I needed an A in English Literature, another A and a B to study English Lit at Sheffield University from October... and I mean needed - I had no plan B, so a gap year of temp work loomed if I didn't get the grades.

Luckily, it's all worked out OK!

A - English Literature
A - AVCE Business
B - History
B - Physics

It was news for most of my mates too. Well done to all of them (and special gold stars to everyone who got a full house of four As - Elyse, Helena, Woody and Claire Mac from my old school). Look out for an extremely clichéd and embarassing photo of some of them in next week's local newspapers... I'm sure a few of the photos will find their way onto this site somehow...

Needless to say the establishments selling alcohol in Dartford did particularly rude trade yesterday. After filing into the Oddfellows at opening time and enjoying a few warm-up drinks, we finally managed to buy some alcohol from the Iceland checkout boy (who clearly didn't have any maths qualifications, failing to work out that someone born in March 1987 was, by now, 18 years old). Then it was an afternoon at Frazer's, a bizarre hot and crowded trip to Air at 11pm, back to Frazer's and a few hours kip on the floor. Class.

Quote of the week
Frazer (on rising petrol prices): "It used to cost Nicola £20 to fill up her car - now it's over £30"
Telfer: "Why?"
Bozz: "Because she's had the tank made bigger"
Telfer: "Oh."