Thursday 29 September 2005

#16 Rowdy Christians

OK, so it's week two here in Sheffield... and Oh! the stories to tell...

Firstly, I'm not in the best of health writing this... the infamous freshers' flu has caught up with me, so the sound of people with sore throats and hacking coughs can be heard up and down the corridors mixes with strange indie music to form the Soundtrack Of The Semester™.

If this piece of information isn't true, it's still one of the greatest rumours to spread: the actor who played Bernard in classic CITV drama Bernard's Watch is not only studying here but staying in our halls!! It's sent people rushing first to the internet to find out his real name (no, it isn't Bernard) and then to their department's noticeboard to see if he's in their seminar group!

This being week-one-proper of the term, sadly I've had to start going to lectures and seminars. The first - entitled "The Bible: Fact or Fiction" appealed just because of the prospect of getting into heated arguements with devout Christians (one of my favourite pastimes). In fact, it turned out to be much better: we watched Eddie Izzard slate the Bible, a clip from 'The West Wing' and had a music quiz: One point for the artist, one for the song, and one for the Biblical influence...

▪ Bob Dylan - 'Highway 61' (Genesis 22)
▪ Kanye West - 'Jesus Walks' (Psalm 23)
▪ Boney-M - 'By The River Of Babylon' (Psalm 137)
▪ U2 - '40' (Psalm 40)
▪ Jeff Buckley - 'Halleujah' (Samson & Delilah, David)

Bizarre. Even more bizarre, the tale of a near-riot in the other Biblical Studies group when someone dared to ask the question "Is God a man or a woman?"... those crazy, rowdy Christians...

Plus, this week, a heart-warming tale of bitchyness in the face of new and strange surroundings. Already, one girl has found it in her heart to sabotage her rival's bedroom by smearing all it's door-handles with butter. Classic.

Double-edged compliment of the week:
"I used to think you were boring, but you're actaully fairly funny"

Sound advice of the week:
"When looking to download music with Biblical references, don't type 'Boney-M' into Google"