Thursday 20 October 2005

#19 Go!

I'll be honest with you, this last week I've done next to nothing. In fact, the three most interesting things this week all took place this morning, while I was walking through the park. I have been in a good mood all week though, which is probably worth a special mention of its own:

I've been in a good mood all week. If you've read the previous "Happy Thoughts", you may have concluded that I wasn't throwing teacups around. So why so cheerful? Well, this week I've been on the phone and on MSN Messenger quite a bit catching up with all my friends from Dartford - which cheered me up no end. Also this week, I've had the good fortune of listening the The Go! Team's fantastic album, "Thunder, Lightning, Strike".

A quick review, then: it's brilliant. At the end of last year, someone told me that they were feeling depressed. I suggested they go and listen to some music, but then realised that the vast majority of albums in my collection were in themselves depressing! Not one album in my collection was happy smiley people from start to finish. On top of that, I always held the view that no album was any good if it didn't contain at least one sad or slow track. Think 'Move On Now' on the otherwise jump-up-and-down "Stars of CCTV" by Hard-Fi.

Having listened to "Thunder, Lightning, Strike" several times, I can now admit that I was wrong. Not entirely - a good album still needs to prove that the artist has at least some emotional range - but I no longer view it as a strict definition. From the school-recorder explosion of 'Get It Together' to the pure sugar-coated joy of (the wonderfully titled) 'Everyone's A VIP To Someone'... go and buy the Go! Team album: especially if you're in a bad mood.

In other news, I watched a squirrel - there's loads about up here - not only climb up the four-storey high wall of the block next door, but also dive in through their kitchen window, appear a few seconds later with a whole Digestive biscuit in its mouth, and then run back down and scamper away across the grass.

This week, I've also seen a squirrel chase a dog in the park; a man and woman having a make-over (I'm talking make up, hair styling, nails done) on a park bench; and a man carrying a mattress through the erm, park. Yes, those were the three weird things I saw this morning as I walked to my lectures. Crazy Northerners...

Time for me to eat a whole packet of Maryland cookies today:
48 minutes

Most flattering thing I've been called this week:

Best name for a record shop heard this week:
Vinyl Tap