Thursday 3 November 2005

#21 Ordinary

How do! Here's another pile of bloggage for you to get through...

In terms of exciting things happening, Sunday takes the crown because it was Sunday night that I wnet to my first 'proper' gig - The Ordinary Boys at the Sheffield Fusion. Granted, I've been to see one of my favourite artists in concert before, but that was sitting-down (and amazing). This was the first time I've had the chance to get crushed down the front mid-mosh, have water chucked over me by people trying to cool down, and taking one hellova blow to the stomach in the process of jumping up and down while punching the air...

The night started with one of the quietest bands I've come across. In-between songs, I mean. The only time the lead singer spoke was to confirm their identity (I didn't understand a word) and town of birth (somewhere in America). They played a few songs, they left the stage. Moving on, then...

The support act were the excellent Bedouin Soundclash, whose rendition of When The Night Feels My Song made the stereotypical "I only came to the gig to watch the support act" bloke behind me very happy indeed. That's assuming him jumping up and down in glee means he was happy. To be fair, it was excellent. They said to look out for a single coming out at the end of this year - I'd recommend it off the back of their set... if only for ripping the good lyrics out of Clash songs, and 'sampling' them live!

To be honest, I'm not sure I could put together a full set-list for the Ordinaries themselves! I know they kicked off with the fantastic Brassbound; I also remember they played the song that got me into the band in the first place: Seaside. That one was also the very first song I ever downloaded, too (a story for the grand-kids, there). Boys Will Be Boys; the un-censored version of The List Goes On revealed an alternative pronounciation for the word "tripe"; and even a splash of The Ramones thrown in for good measure! On An Island went down a storm, but most people don't know the words to the last verse; Talk Talk Talk suffered no such problems, and was screamed back at them. B-side Little Bubble was there too.

All in all, and excellent night. It must be so strange to hear the crowd chant "Ordinary-Ordinary-Ordinary" after your set, and feel chuffed with yourselves! But as (lead-singer) Sam said himself - "you can't beat a bit of Ordinary Boys on a Sunday evening"...

I've found a few interesting things on the web this week (as part of my research, obviously), so rather than post them in one of those annoying e-mails, I thought I'd put a few up here...

Channel 4 was 23 this week. When they first launched in 1982, every programme was introduced with the same logo and the same music. But because they didn't own the copyright to the tune, they had to pay the composer £3.50 everytime they broadcast a show! Only after eleven years of paying out £1,000 a week did they get fed up and drop the tune!!

Quote of the week:
- "I see dead people..."
- "You work in a morgue."

Encounter of the week:
- "Excuse me, are you Clarkey?"
- "No."
- "Oh, sorry mate"