Thursday 22 December 2005

#28 Irn-Brew

It’s strange: this time 7 days ago, I was still in Sheffield. This time 6 days ago, I was just passing a service station in Leicester. Now, it doesn’t feel like I’ve ever been away from delightful Dartford.

Granted, there are some things that I now have to get used to. The fact that I’ve been relegated to the ‘box room’ in the house, for one; the unbelievable number of chavs circulating around Dartford Market is something I’d (gladly) forgotten. But apart from that – and no offence intended to all the people I’ve met up North – Sheffield is like a distant memory at the moment...

I can just about remember the last day there, however. Thursday’s seminar was the last of the week and came complete with tea and mince pies, to boot. Then it was off to the University’s Carol Service for some festive carols and some rather eclectic mix of readers. Finally, back to block H to start and finish my packing for the journey home tomorrow.

The plan to all meet up in the Ranmoor bar for farewell drinks was sadly scuppered by Christina and Miriam’s coursework deadlines the next day, but I did at least get the chance to say goodbye to everyone I wanted to. Unfortunately, I did forget to get pictures of everyone to bring home, so I shall attempt to seek some out

After any long journey home, it’s fantastic to be greeted by a familiar sight. My shoulders and back may have ached from carrying all my worldly possessions a mile across London, but it was such a good feeling to walk out of Dartford station to hear someone shout “Bozz!” in my direction. It was from the Railway Tavern, and it was Frazer who had accompanied one Ben Telfer – still with luggage – to the bar at 4 o’clock...

Now, when trying to organise a drinks session where we could all meet up and see each other again, we realised that not everyone could make it back for Friday night. Of course, rather than wait, the decision was taken just to go out regardless. Friday night, then, was spent down the Tollgate and The Paper Moon with Tom, Big Dave and Telfer. Special mention should be given to Elyse and Emma, who both cleared their jam-packed social schedules just to be with us for the evening. Ahem.

In a similar style, Saturday night was spent out celebrating Sukrajh’s birthday. Like Christmas, this special occasion comes but once a year: the opportunity to get Sukrajh drunk was not wasted.

Monday was the first opportunity to meet up with Adèle, back from Northern Nottingham. A strange day (which involved giving directions over the phone, going to a blood donation session, a discussion on the merits of Irn-Brew, and the film ‘Shakespeare in Love’) culminated in – you guessed it – a trip down to the Tollgate, where we enjoyed a few drinks with the returnéd Mark Store and the lovely Emma. Possibly considering a career move, Elyse spent the whole evening playing Cupid: sadly without the wings/bow-and-arrow combination.

You’ll be pleased to know that I have now completed my Christmas shopping, so if you haven’t got a present from me yet, don‘t hold your breath. I’ve also taken the motor out for a spin, and despite getting horrendously lost managed to find my way back home again. And I’ve put up the Christmas tree, which means that all my ‘to do’s for this week are nearly complete.

Well, that’s about it. All that’s left for me to say is thank-you for reading and commenting over these last few months. I didn’t realise just how many of you actually read this thing until I got home, so it shows just how little work we students really do have to do. Unless you’re at Cambridge, of course.

All the best for the holidays,

Merry Christmas
Καλά Χριστούγεννα
Feliz Navidad
Joyeux Noël