Thursday 15 December 2005

#27 Boom

For once, I've actually got more stuff to write about than I can fit into one single blog. Yes, this last week has been the most hectic ever, with something going on every night of the week and the approach of Christmas. As The Bravery sang, "I must have had fun, because now I'm broke"...

As I mentioned last time, last Thursday night was the Chaplaincy Choir's Advent Service. The first proper festive thing I've done this year, it was all down (well, quite a bit up-hill actually) to the Church to see Kyra sing in the choir. I must admit, being a Catholic service, I did get a little bit lost. I recognised 'Ave Maria', but all my "and the same to you"s and "amen"s were misplaced...

Friday night (well, all day actually) was Sidgwick's birthday. The wee Scottish lass was only 18, bless her, so we ensured that she experienced legal drinking to its fullest potential. I shall search out some of the photos and try to get some on here - although all those taken of me reveal a cringe-worthy cheesy grin. Plus, as well as giving me a chance to dress up for a change, it was also the first opportunity to enjoy the extended licensing hours (possibly the one good idea that this government have ever had). Remarkably, despite being plied with Baileys and Vodkas for most of the night, she managed to awaken the next day before noon.

Saturday was the night of the Ranmoor Christmas Ball... however, being skint, we decided to have our own "Alternative Christmas Ball" – by which I mean buying lots of crisps and beer and listening to music in one of our rooms. But we did have crackers, so there were party hats to add to the Christmas spirit. And it didn't cost anywhere near £28 neither.

Oh dear. Sunday night was Quiz Night: frankly, we woz robbed. Finishing joint first with two other teams, it came down to the tie-breaker question. We lost that fair enough, but that's because we had to wild guess at it. What did annoy us was how we had been cheated out of a (winning) point in the sports round. Who was the last person to defeat Lennox Lewis? It was Hasim Rahman - later known as Has-been Rahman - but not according to the quiz sheet. And you don't argue with the quizmaster when he's a 6-foot-3 hench Irish bloke. Who is also the landlord. So, we missed out on our 8 pint prize.

Monday we headed to the Harley pub for the Long Blondes' Christmas gig. The chick-rock band are released their single on the same day, and the crowd was well up for a celebration. I didn't really get it, but the atmosphere was fantastic... one of the support band's rendition of 'Fairytale Of New York' was a highlight: not for the male vocalist (who was dire) but for his beautiful partner and a penny-flute solo.

I've booked the coach home to leave here earlier than the last time I went home. My logic was sound: I'll avoid the rush-hour this time, provided nothing happens on the dreaded M1 (where I spent 5 hours in a traffic jam last time)... Then they go and blow up a big oil drum. Luckily, they appear to have cleared it all up now!

This picture is well worth a plug though:

In a not-unrelated incident, Tuesday's highlight was another Fire Alarm. We know now why Fire Engines are always so bright and clean... because when the Brigade arrived to investigate, they parked as far away from the building as possible. Lest they get dirty or owt! We developed a few theories... 1: that they were on the way to Hemel Hempstead but just came to us (being nearer), or that 2: all Firemen are actually deaf.

And now, we've gone full-circle again. Wednesday night appears to be Leadmill night, but this time I was wise enough to avoid any dodgy chips on the trek back home. Today, I've been to my last seminar (where we were treated to mince pies and tea), attended the University Carol Service, and after writing this shall be packing my bags for tomorrow's trek home. See you soon!

Election slogan of the week:
Vote Bernard: For a longer tomorrow

In the Deaf Fire Brigade... can hear you scream