Thursday 12 January 2006

#31 Nearly done

Hello, just a quick update this week. I've finally got the second of my three essays done, so that's 5,000 words down, 2,000 to go. Sadly, the last 2,000 words are going to be the toughest because I actually have to do some proper research (rather than just sponging off Wikipedia)...

▪ I'm back off up to Sheffield at the weekend, but a fair few people were off last Saturday, so last Thursday was spent saying goodbye to people down the Tollgate. It was a little bit strange, because you realise just how different some people are now and how things have changed so much. I think this is where you can sort the proper friends from the hangers-on

▪ I've been mortally offended to hear my favourite band/role models dismissed as "chavs"

▪ I've gone and eaten hot doughnuts on Southend sea-front, sampled the delights of Grays High Street, and been slightly worried by Emma's desire to sleep in a tramp's bed

▪ Banked all my Christmas money and still managed to end up with just £25 left in the account

▪ Closed an account at NatWest without once being asked my name, my address, for any ID, or for my signature. If you ever want to annoy someone, don't bother with credit card fraud: just close their bank account. It's perfectly legal but will wind them up no-end.