Thursday 18 May 2006

#49 Final countdown

In one week from now, my first year at university will be over. Completely finished. Done and dusted. My final exam starts at 9am on Thursday 25th, and it's all over by noon. The plus side of this is that I have from a week today until September 25th before I have to start worrying about coursework, lectures and seminars. The down side of this is that this week has been utterly mental.

I've been sorting out next year's module choices, writing essay after essay, organising appointments and meetings and preparing for exams on top of all the normal chores that get in the way of uni work (washing, shopping, dining, Doctor Whoing, Facebooking, etc.). Tomorrow, I have to write 2,500 words on Early American Literature. Wish me luck.

Blasts from the past:
▪ Badger Girl
▪ Earth Warp
▪ Through The Dragon's Eye

Five months too late, my New Year's Resolution has kicked in. I've started going running every evening in an attempt to raise my fitness level above Michelle McManus's. Luckily, the road nearby is both (a) just the right length to go for a meaningful-but-not-heart-attack-inducing run, and (b) one of the few fairly flat roads in the city. It's not the most challenging route in the world, but I've simply got to start somewhere.

Annoying advert of the week:
"We've traced the call... it's coming from inside the house!!"
How can a call come from inside the house???

I shelled out £3.90 for a CD this week (which came with a free copy of Q magazine... or was that the other way around?) full of cover versions. The Sugababes cover 'I Bet You look Good On The Dancefloor' appallingly, some Jazz singer covers 'Wonderwall' brilliantly, and Nick Cave of all people covers 'Disco 2000' freakily. I'm not sure why I chose to include that in this week's blog... possibly because I haven't actually managed to do much else this week. Sigh.

Number of magpies seen today:
Four in one go... enough for a boy (or a birth)