Friday 21 April 2006

#45 Eggs

Blimey, where have the Easter holidays gone? Going back to Sheffield tomorrow feels far too soon (although in fact this is probably just down to reluctance to work), but then it also feels like ages since I was last north of Watford Gap. Bizarre.

Either way, I've really enjoyed being back for a few weeks. I felt at Christmas time that I didn't really make the most of my time at home re: seeing all my friends and actually getting stuff at home sorted out. Granted, I still have to re-wire the phone line and sort out the loft... but they can wait a few weeks longer. Plus my holiday hasn't been over-shadowed by essays and work this time, either. Add a generous helping of Easter eggs and chocolate to the mix, and it's been good fun.

Out last week for Rasell's birthday, I discovered possibly the smallest pub in town (in the form of The Two Brewers, where the beams helpfully warn "Watch out! 5 ft. 8 in.!"), the joys of some obscure bottled beer in The Litten Tree, and met Jack/Luke and Palmhead from my junior school. A fairly random night, topped only by the request of my next-door neighbour (the one who plays Hard-Fi's "Stars of CCTV" at full blast between 09:00 and 12:00 every day) to keep the noise down. Ahem.

Childish as my behaviour has been this week, it hit me last night just how grown up we're all getting now. I think I'll be lucky to see some people this summer, what with their plans to go globe-trotting and working and studying... luckily it's just made me more determined to make an effort to get out and visit people.

Cure for slight melancholy:
An entire tube of Polo Spearmints and an evening watching the snooker.

Tomorrow I'm back in Sheffield, then, currently the snooker capital of the world. It's been great watching the World Championships on telly this week, for some reason snooker is one of those things that I can watch for hours on end without fearing for the adverse affect it may be having on my brain. The trouble is, watching the players make such light work of the game may have filled me with a false sense of confidence in my own game. I'll have to remind myself not to take on the difficult/trick shots.

Strangest dream of the week:
"Waking up" to the sounds of BBC Radio 4, and then finding myself to be at the centre of the row over replacing the traditional UK Theme and Church bells the station plays. Beyond that, not much- it all goes hazy again. Analyse that. No please, what the hell does that mean?

Finally, Happy Birthday to HRH The Queen. Long may you continue to keep Charles from being King.